Technology has opened a new frontier for people with depression, stress or anxiety. While almost all Americans have access to the internet, and most Americans have a smart phone, access to mental health professionals is declining at an alarming rate. Today, more than ever, health management strategies must include technology-based behavioral health resources – or risk missing engagement opportunities with members who may not (or cannot) use more traditional avenues to access care.
Animo (pronounced ä-nē-mō) is an innovative digital behavioral health solution that offers evidence-based content and practical resources to foster meaningful and lasting behavior change. The platform provides a variety of dynamic resources that improve emotional fitness and overall wellbeing.
Anger Management
Caregiver Stress
Diversity and Mental Health
General Depression
Low Self-Esteem
Mental Health First Aid
Opioids and Chronic Pain
Sleep Fitness
Social Anxiety
Stress Management
Trauma and Abuse
plan design options
Animo offers two simple plan design options: Core, which includes dCBT and a wide array of interactive digital resources; and Enhanced, which supercharges Core by adding integrated text therapy.
what is Dcbt?
Cognitive behavioral therapy, or CBT, is a therapeutic approach that helps people manage problems like anxiety, depression and stress in a results-oriented manner by breaking the concern(s) down into smaller parts and addressing them individually. Unlike other therapy-based treatment methods, CBT deals with current problems, rather than focusing on issues from the past, and provides practical methods to improve a participant's state of mind.
dCBT, or digital cognitive behavioral therapy, is a dynamic, technology-driven approach to CBT that allows users to develop skills and competencies that have a positive impact on their health, wellbeing and productivity.
Text therapy is a convenient and stigma-free treatment modality that allows participants to conveniently connect with a licensed and experienced mental health counselor through an exchange of text-based dialogue, voicenotes, resource links and video lessons. Counselors, also known as 'coaches' help users address mental health problems and improve emotional fitness.
UX (User experience)
UX, short for the 'User Experience', represents a product's ease of use, appeal and inherent consumer value. Given that UX is a vital component of any digital health product, the Animo platform was developed with a structure and care path that clearly defines short- and long-term objectives for every participant.
The UX for Animo Core is simple — new users can choose from a variety of resources to strengthen their mental health and emotional fitness from a dashboard of options.
Start a module. Participants who choose to complete a module begin their journey with a short emotional fitness survey. The results of this survey will map the participant to a series of modules within one of three primary categories: stress, anxiety or depression. Each module consists of five short sessions, which take 10-15 minutes to complete each week. In between sessions, Animo users can also participate in stress-reducing games, connect to an external library of mental health resources or access a toolkit of emotional health resources.
Complete a ‘Flash Course’. Animo’s Flash Courses are short lessons that provide education and develop skills on a specific topic, such as Opioids and Pain Management, Mindfulness or Sleep Management. These lessons take about five minutes to complete and are not contained within any of the aforementioned modules.
Play a game. Animo includes a panel of stress-reducing exercises that improve focus and mental acuity. Participants can use a meditation circle to help with mindful breathing, a fidget spinner to support better concentration and ‘Finding Animo’, a fun shell game that helps users develop stronger focus.
Review tools, resources and libraries. The platform includes dozens of worksheets and guides that support the therapeutic process, a personal Emotional Health Tracker, links and contact information for mental health-related resources and dozens of mental and emotional health tip sheets and guides, all arranged by topic.
The Enhanced plan design option includes all of the features from Core, plus integrated text therapy. Text therapy provides participants with convenient access to licensed mental health counselors. Through Animo's secure platform, counselors (also known as ‘Coaches’) help users boost emotional fitness and wellbeing by securely exchanging text messages, voice notes, dCBT resources, resource links and videos.
After completing a short questionnaire, new users can begin communicating with their Coach immediately to address stress, anxiety, grief, social isolation, depression or relationship issues – or to proactively work on mindfulness, sleep fitness or resiliency.

The platform provides self-serve, in-the-moment care and also bridges the gaps between counseling sessions for participants in treatment.
Nearly 90% of Animo users had not engaged with their EAP prior to beginning treatment. The platform also improves access to mental health care for rural consumers or those with mobility issues.
59% of dCBT participants with depression moved out of the clinical (severe) range after completing a module; and over 80% of text therapy participants reported improved wellbeing.
Participants can text with their Coach or begin dCBT at any time – on mobile or desktop – without worrying about scheduling or other conflicts.
Text therapy and dCBT are excellent resources for those who may not be receptive to ‘traditional’ face-to-face or distance counseling.
The privacy, safety and security of users is a cornerstone of the Animo HIPAA-compliant platform. Both the participant's electronic record and chat data are encrypted on Animo's servers, as is all communication between the servers and the Animo software. In addition, the Animo platform requires users to create a unique passcode for extra security.
Building blocks are a common feature of the Animo platform’s visual identity. Why?
The building block visual within Animo represents a combination of stability, development and compound learning. Through these basic tenets, Animo helps participants establish a foundation of emotional fitness that allows them to reach their full potential. Each module within the Animo platform was purposefully constructed with a simple concept in mind – impart knowledge and build skills through a series of structured and progressive educational sessions, reinforced with ongoing, real-life practice.